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Update on Face to Face Scouting


The national Scout association has now provided guidance to scout groups in England on resuming face to face scouting activities as the UK comes out of lock-down over the next few months. The national scouting associating has updated in guidance and timetables as follows:

  • From 29 March, England will move to Amber status which means Groups are allowed to meet outdoors in group sizes of 15 plus leaders (5 maximum).

  • From 12 April, both outdoors and indoors meetings are allowed in group sizes of 15 plus leaders (5 maximum).

  • From 12 April, groups are allowed to take part in non-residential day trips and visits.

Updates on residentials in the UK and larger group sizes are expected to be announced

in the coming months. These dates follow the government’s roadmap ­and so are subject to the vaccination programme continuing at the same rate and the rate of infections reducing across the country.

Duffield Scouts are liaising closely with District and with the different Duffield groups to work out how we will resume face to face activities and for now the leaders of each group are working out a plan most appropriate for their group. Please check with the leader of your child's group for specific details on how their group will return to face to face scouting.

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